Key topics of discussion


Across many topics in 100+ sessions, you’ll learn where disruptions to incumbent models, roles and technologies are reshaping the entire spectrum of health. Whether rewiring care infrastructures, recreating care journeys or re-imaging community and consumer-centric health, our discussions and debates will draw you in and drive you forward.

Our full agenda with sessions will be available soon, so be on the lookout or join our mailing list to stay up to date!

The Health Data Rush

The health data gold rush is on! Both legacy players and new entrants are quickly ascending on the treasure trove of health data coming from a greater variety of sources. Will they strike gold and discover novel ways to improve care and reduce costs? And how will they be able to secure this valuable asset? Let’s dig into it!

Life Science’s Gamechangers

Not all roads lead to COVID. Throughout 2021 there have been incredible advancements in the fields of genomics, oncology, CRISPR, immunotherapies, just to name a few, that are catapulting us into a new era of science. Imagine a future where diseases are eradicated, results are immediate and accurate, and an early diagnosis is a standard of care. These scientific wizards are truly changing the game!

Welcome to Health’s House

In the midst of a global pandemic, industry lines were blurred and we quickly learned that when it comes to health, everyone needs a strategy. From unlikely companies with new health offerings to the creation of new Chief Health Officer roles to big tech players expanding their reach, the health industry has fully opened its doors to new guests. Now are there too many cooks in the kitchen, or is more truly merrier?

Care Models 2.021

Care delivery models are due for an upgrade! From primary care to chronic condition management to acute care settings, we are growing tech-enabled services, moving more care into the home, expanding wellness initiatives and pushing further into value-based care. These innovative models promise to increase access, reduce friction and improve the overall patient experience. Sign us up for an upgrade!

Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Health

2021 promised to heal our political wounds and build back a better future with a new Administration, new health Advisors, new priorities and a new outlook on what is truly important. Have we laid the groundwork for a productive future for the regulations and policies affecting the health industry? Oh, how the political scales have shifted!

Money on Health's Mind

Breaking records like Tom Brady- health investors are unstoppable! Major IPOs are happening daily, new mergers are emerging and unique startups are popping up with novel solutions to niche problems. There has never been a better time to invest or work in health. Now, can someone explain SPACs please?

Pharmacy's Bright Future

Patients visit their pharmacy on average 35 times a year, opening up the possibility for the pharmacy to become thecentral player in patient care. But turning this possibility into a reality will take more than just statistics. How is the health system shifting to open up more avenues for pharmacists to directly deliver care? Hear from new entrants, large retailers and fully-virtual players on how pharmacy's future potential has yet to be realized.

Scaling Up Supply Chain

The supply chain is having its day in the sun! Often overlooked as a major component of effective care delivery, we are now paying attention to the intricacies, tech, collaboration and innovation needed to ensure a consistent and safe supply of crucial medicines, devices, equipment and tools. Leaders in the space are getting faster, more efficient and more digital to scale up our health supply chain.

The Drug Development Revolution

Welcome to the age of bioscience! The remarkable scientific achievements of developing the COVID vaccines in record time propelled us into a new era of drug development. The old way of going through R&D and clinical trial phases has been completely flipped on its head, posing the question- what breakthroughs lie ahead and what new methods will get us there?

Health's Consumer Playbook

We want it all and we want it now! Health consumers are no longer willing to blindly pay for medications, trust a first opinion or inconvenience themselves to meet their growing health needs. Health leaders have gone back to the tapes of successful consumer strategies to create a new playbook of consumer-centric care. How will the industry shift to make sure consumer expectations are not just met, but exceeded?

Health for the Greater Good

As Lloyd Dean stated at HLTH 2020- "Healthcare is a right, not a luxury". Yet still so many are uninsured, under-cared for, under-represented and underwhelmed in our current health system. How can we close the care gaps made worse by the pandemic and remove the social and economic barriers to accessing the best care possible?

Health's Tech-tonic Shift

Health tech has had a truly transformational year- shifting nearly every piece of the care delivery continuum towards a more digital, patient-first approach. As tech becomes even more so an extension of ourselves and the number of health applications continue to rise, how can we ensure that the tech we are integrating into our lives is actually making a positive difference?

Assessing & Addressing Mental Health

Too big to ignore, the mental health crisis, now strengthened by a global pandemic, is wreaking havoc on our minds, bodies and overall health. With the number of those affected by depression, anxiety, PTSD and a plethora of other mental & behavioral health disorders skyrocketing, what solutions are out there to help us diagnose, treat and even prevent mental illness? Health leaders are leaning on technology and innovation to help us overcome.

Virtual Care Boom or Bust

Virtual care and digital health solutions are booming - bridging gaps in care delivery models to treat more patients, more conveniently and more affordably. So let’s take it up a notch! Will telehealth be more deeply integrated into RPM? Can predictive analytics and AI/ML capabilities grow further? Will robotics and virtual clinical assistants step in where humans can not? Health leaders are taking virtual care as far as it can go!

Employer's Winning Game Plan

Impassioned employers have entered the health playoffs.  Fed up with the status quo and ready to defeat the current leaders touting high costs and poor outcomes, they are building a winning lineup. Their team has picked up some new players skilled in digital health, knowledgeable on DEI’s importance and inspired by creative ways of thinking about benefits design. Meet this dream team of employer health leaders and their lofty goal to flip the current league on its head.

About Us

HLTH Inc. is a dynamic community delivering unique value to the healthcare industry through a mix of unparalleled global events, inspirational content, and impact-driven initiatives.

USA Event Dates

2024 | HLTH: Oct 20-23 | Register | Sponsor

2025 | ViVE: Feb 16 - 19
2025 | HLTH: Oct 19 - 22
2026 | ViVE: Feb 22 - 25
2026 | HLTH: Nov 15 - 18
2027 | HLTH: Oct 17 - 20


2025 | HLTH Europe: June 16 - 19 | Sponsor
2026 | HLTH Europe: June 15 - 18
2027 | HLTH Europe: June 21 - 24
2028 | HLTH Europe: June 19 - 22

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HLTH does not sell or provide any personal data (including email, phone, address) to any third parties and we never will. Any communication that pretends to be HLTH or any third parties selling purported lists, discounted rooms, or any product/services are NOT AFFILIATED with HLTH and are to be considered FRAUD

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